Science and Technology

Missouri may be stuck in the middle of the country, but it has always been on the cutting edge of technology and science. In fact, here are a few of the famous Missourians in Science and Technology, along with related fields.

Bob BehnkenPattonvilleWashington Univ.
George Washington CarverDiamond
Charles DraperWIndsorMizzou
James EadsSt. Louis
Charles EamesYeatman HighWashington Univ
James FergasonCarrolton HighMizzou
Linda GodwinJackson HighSEMO/Mizzou
Edwin HubbleMarshfield
Jack KilbyJefferson City
Roger KornbergSt. Louis
Alexander LangsdorfSt. LouisWashington Univ.
William Powell LearHannibal
Dr. Howard RuskBrookfieldMizzou
David SchrammSt. Louis
George P. SmithMizzou

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