Science and TechnologyMissouri may be stuck in the middle of the country, but it has always been on the cutting edge of technology and science. In fact, here are a few of the famous Missourians in Science and Technology, along with related fields.Thomas AkersEminenceMissouri S&T Bob BehnkenPattonvilleWashington Univ. George Washington CarverDiamond Clyde CowanRoosevelt HighMissouri S&T Jack DorseyBishop DuBourgMissouri S&T Charles DraperWIndsorMizzou James EadsSt. Louis Charles EamesYeatman HighWashington Univ James FergasonCarrolton HighMizzou Linda GodwinJackson HighSEMO/Mizzou Edwin HubbleMarshfield Janet KavandiCarthage HighMissouri SouthernMissouri S&T Jack KilbyJefferson City Roger KornbergSt. Louis Alexander LangsdorfSt. LouisWashington Univ. William Powell LearHannibal Sandra MagnusMissouri S&T Stephanie O’SullivanCape GirardeauMissouri S&T Dr. Howard RuskBrookfieldMizzou David SchrammSt. Louis George P. SmithMizzou Nancy WoodGreen RidgeCentral Missouri UnivFacebookTweetPinLinkedIn